Release Notes - Apollo QAX

v1.0.0 - Beta Release


  • AArdvark integration - QAX leverages AArdvark validation

  • Airbrake integration - QAX optionally sends data to Airbrake

  • Apollo integration - QAX can be configured for in depth testing of Adobe Analytics beacons via Apollo

v1.0.24 - 20-12-01

  • First GA Release

v1.0.26 - 21-04-28

  • Resolved s.currencyCode validation issues

  • Updated to catch and report more than just the first validation issue

v1.0.27 - 2021-08-23

  • Updated references of_satellite.buildInfo.environment to access _satellite.environment.stage instead.

v1.0.32 - 2023-11-15

  • Rebranded to Further

  • Removed some superfluous console logging

Last updated